Aliette WDG Fungicide, Bayer

Aliette Fungicide delivers true, two-way systemic protection against Phytophthora, downy mildew and other diseases. With multiple modes of action, Aliette attacks pathogens at multiple growth stages for better overall disease control.

Active Ingredients: Aluminum tris 80.0 %
Fungicide Mode of Action: P 07
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 5 Lb.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Manufacturer: Bayer CropScience

Aliette Fungicide delivers true, two-way systemic protection against Phytophthora, downy mildew and other diseases. With multiple modes of action, Aliette attacks pathogens at multiple growth stages for better overall disease control. And its unique double action not only attacks and controls fungi on contact, but also stimulates the plant's own defense mechanisms.

Aliette Fungicide delivers true, two-way systemic protection against Phytophthora, downy mildew and other diseases. With multiple modes of action, Aliette attacks pathogens at multiple growth stages for better overall disease control. And its unique double action not only attacks and controls fungi on contact, but also stimulates the plant's own defense mechanisms.

Aliette Fungicide Key Benefits:

  • Multiple modes of action to control devastating vegetable diseases including downy mildew
  • Attacks pathogens at multiple growth stages, for better overall disease control
  • The systemic activity allows it to travel upwards and downwards throughout the plant, creating a complete barrier of protection while preventing wash-off
  • Inhibits spore production, thereby preventing transmission of disease to neighboring plants
  • Systemic fungicide that protects quality and yields for a better return on investment

Aliette Fungicide Controls:

  • Rot, Phytophthora Foot
  • Spot, Alternaria Brown

Aliette Fungicide Registered Crops:

  • Leafy Vegetables
  • Stone Fruits
  • Pome Fruits
  • Tree Nuts
  • Citrus
  • Fruiting Vegetables

Label and SDS

  Product Label

  Product SDS

Aliette WDG Fungicide, 5 Lbs.
Aliette WDG Fungicide, 5 Lbs.
Aliette Fungicide delivers true, two-way systemic protection against Phytophthora, downy mildew and other diseases. With multiple modes of action, Aliette attacks pathogens at multiple growth stages for better overall disease control.

Priced Individually, Case Qty. = 6 x 5 Lbs.
Delivery date: 3-5 days
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