Aquashade Aquatic Plant Growth Control, SePro

Aquashade Aquatic Plant Growth Control is a blend of blue and yellow dyes which shades specific portions of the sunlight spectrum (red-orange and blue-violet) required by underwater aquatic plant and algae growth.

Active Ingredient: Acid Blue 9 - 12.6% Acid Yellow 23 - 1.04%


Important Information Manufacturer Change: This Product was previously made by Applied Biochemists. It is now produced by SePro, it is the same product.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Manufacturer: SePRO

Aquashade Aquatic Plant Growth Control for Use In Natural and Manmade Contained Lakes and Ponds(Ornamental, Recreational, Fish Bearing & Fish Farming Bodies) With Little or No Outflow of Water.

Aquashade Aquatic Plant Growth Control is a blend of blue and yellow dyes which shades specific portions of the sunlight spectrum (red-orange and blue-violet) required by underwater aquatic plant and algae growth.  This shading inhibits photosynthesis in young, bottom growth and may prevent development altogether if the color is maintained throughout the early season. 

Primarily effective in water deeper than two feet, floating plants such as lilies are unaffected by this product if they have already reached the surface.Use in conjunction with herbicides or algaecides for control of surface algae mats or shallow-water plants. 

Not for use in drinking water, no restrictions for animal/livestock drinking, irrigation, swimming or fish consumption when used at label rates.

Application rate is 0.25 gallon per acre-ft.

Note: Product may not be registered for use in your state or locale. Check to be sure a specific use pattern is approved in your area before use. Check product labeling or your local state agency for more information. Most current product labels are available by visiting the product manufacturers website or at

Aquashade Aquatic Plant Growth Control for Use In Natural and Manmade Contained Lakes and Ponds(Ornamental, Recreational, Fish Bearing & Fish Farming Bodies) With Little or No Outflow of Water.

Aquashade Aquatic Plant Growth Control is a blend of blue and yellow dyes which shades specific portions of the sunlight spectrum (red-orange and blue-violet) required by underwater aquatic plant and algae growth.  This shading inhibits photosynthesis in young, bottom growth and may prevent development altogether if the color is maintained throughout the early season. 

Primarily effective in water deeper than two feet, floating plants such as lilies are unaffected by this product if they have already reached the surface.Use in conjunction with herbicides or algaecides for control of surface algae mats or shallow-water plants. 

Not for use in drinking water, no restrictions for animal/livestock drinking, irrigation, swimming or fish consumption when used at label rates.

Application rate is 0.25 gallon per acre-ft.

Note: Product may not be registered for use in your state or locale. Check to be sure a specific use pattern is approved in your area before use. Check product labeling or your local state agency for more information. Most current product labels are available by visiting the product manufacturers website or at

Label and SDS

  Product Label

  Product SDS

Aquashade PGR, 1 Gal.
Aquashade PGR, 1 Gal.
Aquashade Aquatic Plant Growth Control is a blend of blue and yellow dyes which shades specific portions of the sunlight spectrum (red-orange and blue-violet) required by underwater aquatic plant and algae growth.

Sold Individually, Case Qty. = 4 x 1 Gal.
PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
Quantity 2+ 4+
Price $53.95 $52.95
Delivery date: 3-5 days
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