Frequency Herbicide, A New Herbicide for Resistant Weed Management in Non-Crop Sites
Frequency Herbicide for preemergence and postemergence weed control in conifer plantations and noncropland areas such as railroad, utility, highway, and pipeline rights-of-way; highway guardrails, delineators, and sign posts; utility substations, petroleum tank farms, pumping installations, farmyards and around farm buildings; fence rows, storage areas, airports, and nonirrigation ditchbanks.
Frequency Herbicide is a new herbicide for industrial bareground sites, utility substations, roadsides and railroads. Featuring a new mode of action, Frequency effectively controls weeds that have developed a resistance to other commonly used herbicides and provides excellent broadleaf control and warm-season grass control (at 4 oz. per acre).
Frequency Herbicidecan be tank-mixed with other bareground products, including Sahara® DG herbicide, to greatly improve the spectrum of control you need. Frequency is non-volatile, has limited mobility in the soil, and shows no antagonism with slow-acting ALS chemistry. Frequency also delivers flexibility, showing both pre- and postemergent activity and working in both early and late-season applications.