Grandevo PTO Bioinsecticide Miticide OMRI Listed

Grandevo PTO Bioinsecticide Miticide controls a broad spectrum of chewing and sucking insects and mites … but is easy on beneficials. Combining high performance with operational flexibility, Grandevo bio-based products are paving the way for new, innovative uses of microbial insecticides.

Active Ingredient: Chromobacterium subtsugae strain PRAA4-1T and spent fermentation media 30%

Signal Word - Caution

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Manufacturer: Marrone Bio Innovations

Grandevo PTO Bioinsecticide Miticide controls a broad spectrum of chewing and sucking insects and mites … but is easy on beneficials. They can be used in rotation or as the foundation product to strengthen integrated pest management programs (IPM) and insect resistance management (IRM) programs for a wide range of fruit, vegetable, and nut crops, as well as turf and ornamentals. Combining high performance with operational flexibility, Grandevo bio-based products are paving the way for new, innovative uses of microbial insecticides.

Complex Modes of Action Reduce Risk of Resistance

Grandevo PTO Bioinsecticide Miticide is microbial based and is powered by a number of compounds that create complex modes of action, resulting in a potent biopesticide that is highly active against labeled insects and mites. Control of pests is achieved by unique combinations of repellency, oral toxicity, reduced egg hatch, and reduced fecundity (ability of pest to reproduce). With Grandevo’s multiple active compounds and complex modes of action the risk of insect resistance is greatly reduced.

Grandevo PTO Bioinsecticide Miticide controls a broad spectrum of chewing and sucking insects and mites … but is easy on beneficials. They can be used in rotation or as the foundation product to strengthen integrated pest management programs (IPM) and insect resistance management (IRM) programs for a wide range of fruit, vegetable, and nut crops, as well as turf and ornamentals. Combining high performance with operational flexibility, Grandevo bio-based products are paving the way for new, innovative uses of microbial insecticides.

Complex Modes of Action Reduce Risk of Resistance

Grandevo PTO Bioinsecticide Miticide is microbial based and is powered by a number of compounds that create complex modes of action, resulting in a potent biopesticide that is highly active against labeled insects and mites. Control of pests is achieved by unique combinations of repellency, oral toxicity, reduced egg hatch, and reduced fecundity (ability of pest to reproduce). With Grandevo’s multiple active compounds and complex modes of action the risk of insect resistance is greatly reduced.

Label and SDS

  Product Label

  Product SDS

Grandevo PTO Bioinsecticide Miticide, OMRI Listed


 OMRI Certificate

Marrone Grandevo Pro
Grandevo PTO Bioinsecticide Miticide OMRI Listed, Marrone, 5 lbs.
Grandevo PTO Bioinsecticide Miticide controls a broad spectrum of chewing and sucking insects and mites … but is easy on beneficials. Combining high performance with operational flexibility, Grandevo bio-based products are paving the way for new, innovative uses of microbial insecticides.
Delivery date: 3-5 days
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