View the sitemap for this website below, with links to each of the pages and brief descriptions of what to find in each section
- 4-Speed XT Herbicide, Nufarm
- Acclaim Extra Herbicide, Bayer
- Accord XRT II Specialty Herbicide, Corteva
- Activator 90 Nonionic Surfactant, Loveland Products
- Admiral Aquatic Algae and Weed Control, BASF
- Aim EC Herbicide, FMC
- Aircover Nonionic Organosilicone Surfactant, Winfield
- Akari 5SC Miticide Insecticide, SePRO
- Aliette WDG Fungicide, Bayer
- Aloft LC G Insecticide, Nufarm
- Aloft LC SC Insecticide, Nufarm
- Altosid 30-Day Briquets, Mosquito Growth Regulator (IGR), Zoecon
- Altosid Liquid Larvicide Mosquito Growth Regulator SR-5, Zoecon
- Altosid Pellets WSP Mosquito Growth Regulator (IGR), Zoecon
- Altosid SR-20 Liquid Larvicide Mosquito Growth Regulator Concentrate, Zoecon
- Amine 4 2,4-D Herbicide, Loveland Products
- Anuew Plant Growth Regulator PGR, Nufarm
- AquaMaster Herbicide, Bayer
- AquaNeat Aquatic Herbicide, Nufarm
- Aquashade Aquatic Plant Growth Control, SePro
- Aquastrike Aquatic Herbicide, UPI
- AquaSweep Herbicide, Nufarm
- Aquathol K Aquatic Herbicide, UPI
- Aquathol Super K Granular Aquatic Herbicide, UPI
- Arena 0.25 G Granular Clothianidin Insecticide, Valent
- Arena 50 WDG Clothianidin Insecticide, Valent
- A-Rest Solution Plant Growth Regulator PGR, SePRO
- Armada 50 WDG Broad-Spectrum Fungicide, Bayer
- Arsenal AC Applicators Concentrate Herbicide, BASF
- Arsenal Powerline Herbicide, BASF
- Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator PGR, PBI Gordon
- Attain TR Micro Total Release Insecticide, BASF
- Avast! Aquatic Herbicide, SePRO
- Avenue South Broadleaf Herbicide for Turfgrass, PBI Gordon
- Avid 0.15 EC Miticide Insecticide, Syngenta
- AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide, OMRI Listed, BioSafe Systems
- Azatrol EC Insecticide, PBI Gordon, OMRI Listed
- Balan 2.5G Pre-Emergent Herbicide, Andersons
- Banol Fungicide, Bayer
- Barricade 4 FL Pre-Emergent Herbicide, Syngenta
- Barrier 4G Ornamental Landscaping Herbicide, PBI Gordon
- Battleship III Herbicide, Helena
- Beethoven TR Miticide Insecticide, BASF
- Bensumec 4 LF Pre-Emergent Grass & Weed Herbicide, PBI Gordon
- Biathlon Pre-Emergent Herbicide, OHP
- Bifen I/T 7.9% Bifenthrin Insecticide, Control Solutions
- Bifen XTS Insecticide, Control Solutions
- Big Foot Green SS Spray Solution and Hydroseeding Colorant, Brandt
- Big Foot Red SS Spray Pattern Indicator (Semi-Permanent), Brandt
- Black Onyx Lake and Pond Colorant, BASF
- Black Onyx WSP Lake and Pond Colorant
- Blue Lagoon SS Super Strength Colorant, Brandt
- Blue Lagoon WSB Pond, Lake and Fountain Dye
- Bonzi Ornamental Growth Regulator, PGR
- Botanigard 22WP Mycoinsecticide Insecticide
- Botanigard ES Mycoinsecticide Insecticide, BioWorks
- Brandt AquaSurf Aquatic Non-Ionic Spreader Adjuvant
- Brandt Big Foot SS Blue Spray Pattern Indicator, Brandt
- Brandt Green Toes SS Spray Solution and Hydroseeding Colorant
- Brandt Herbicide Activator
- Brandt Organics Ag Aide, Spreader Activator, OMRI Listed
- Brandt Organics EcoSpreader, OMRI Listed
- Brandt Organics SKH Sticker, OMRI Listed
- Brandt Pesticide Equipment Cleaner, Brandt
- BrushMaster Herbicide, PBI Gordon
- Cambistat 2SC Plant Growth Regulator, PGR
- Capstone Specialty Herbicide, Corteva
- Cascade Aquatic Herbicide, UPI
- Casoron 4G Pre-Emergent Herbicide Weed & Grass Killer, OHP
- Cease Microbial Fungicide and Bactericide, OMRI Listed, BioWorks
- Certainty Turf Herbicide, Nufarm
- Chaparral Herbicide, Corteva
- Cide-Kick II Nonionic Surfactant, Brewer International
- Cide-Kick Non-ionic Surfactant, Brewer
- Cimarron Max Herbicide, Bayer
- Cimarron Plus Herbicide, Bayer
- Clearcast 2.7G Aquatic Herbicide
- Clearcast Aquatic Herbicide, SePRO
- Clipper Aquatic Herbicide, Valent
- Compass 50 WG Fungicide, Bayer
- Confront Specialty Herbicide, Corteva
- Conserve SC Spinosad Insecticide, Corteva
- CoreTect Tablets, Bayer
- Cougar ULV Fogger Sprayer, Clarke
- Criterion 0.5 G Imidacloprid Granular Insecticide, Generic Merit
- Criterion 2F Imidacloprid Insecticide, Generic Merit 2F
- Criterion 75 WSP Imidacloprid Insecticide, Generic Merit
- Crossbow Herbicide Weed & Brush Killer, Loveland Products
- Curtail Herbicide, Corteva
- Cutrine Plus Aquatic Algaecide Herbicide, SePro
- Cutrine Plus Granular Aquatic Algaecide Herbicide, SePro
- Cutrine Ultra Aquatic Algaecide Herbicide, SePro
- Defendor Specialty Herbicide, Corteva
- Derigo Herbicide, Bayer
- Detail Herbicide, BASF
- Dimension 2EW Specialty Pre-Emergent Herbicide, Corteva
- DiPel PRO DF Biological Insecticide, OMRI Listed
- Distance IGR Insect Growth Regulator, Valent
- DiTera DF Biological Nematicide, OMRI Listed, Valent
- Diuron 4L Herbicide, Alligare
- Diuron 80DF Herbicide, Alligare
- Drive XLR8 Herbicide, BASF
- Droplex Adjuvant
- E-2 Herbicide, Nufarm
- Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide, Corteva
- Entrust SC Naturalyte Spinosad Insecticide, OMRI Listed, Corteva
- Escort XP Herbicide, Envu
- EsplAnade 200 SC Concentrate Herbicide, Bayer
- Esplanade EZ Herbicide, Bayer
- EverGreen EC 60-6 Insecticide, MGK
- EverGreen Pyrethrum Dust Insecticide, OMRI Listed
- Fascination Plant Growth Regulator
- Fiesta Turf Weed Killer, Engage Agro
- Floramite SC Miticide, OHP
- Florel Brand Growth Regulator PGR, Monterey
- Forbid 4F Ornamental Insecticide Miticide, Bayer
- Foursome Plus Turf Pigment & Spray Pattern Indicator, Quali-Pro
- Frequency Herbicide, BASF
- Galleon SC Aquatic Herbicide, SePRO
- Gallery 75 DF Specialty Pre-Emergent Herbicide, Corteva
- Gallery SC Specialty Pre-Emergent Herbicide, Corteva
- Garlon 3A Triclopyr Herbicide, Corteva
- Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr (Ester) Herbicide, Corteva
- Gnatrol WDG Biological Larvicide, OMRI Listed, Valent
- Grandevo PTO Bioinsecticide Miticide OMRI Listed
- GrazonNext HL Specialty Herbicide, Corteva
- Grizzly ULV Fogger Sprayer, Clarke
- Gulfstream Adjuvant Non-ionic Surfactant
- Habitat Aquatic Herbicide, SePRO
- Hi-Dep Broadleaf Herbicide, PBI Gordon
- Horsepower Herbicide, Nufarm
- Hydrothol 191 Aquatic Algicide and Herbicide, UPI
- Hydrothol Granular Aquatic Algacide and Herbicide, UPI
- Imazapyr 4 SL Herbicide, Alligare
- Imitator Plus (Glyphosate w/Surfactant) Herbicide, Drexel
- Indicate 5 Wetting, Spreading and Penetrating Agent, Brandt
- Katana Turf Herbicide, PBI Gordon
- Kinetic Surfactant, OMRI Listed, Helena
- Komeen Aquatic Algaecide Herbicide, SePro
- Komeen Crystal Aquatic Algaecide Herbicide
- Kontos Miticide Insecticide, Bayer
- Krenite S Brush Control Agent Herbicide, Bayer VM
- Krovar I DF Herbicide, Bayer
- K-Tea Aquatic Algaecide Herbicide, SePRO
- Landmark XP Herbicide
- LI 700 Non-ionic Surfactant, Loveland Products
- Littora Landscape and Aquatic Herbicide
- Magnify, Water Conditioning Agent Surfactant, Brandt
- Mainspring GNL Insecticide, Syngenta
- Mallet 0.5 G Imidacloprid Granular Insecticide, Nufarm, Generic Merit 30 lbs.
- Mallet 2F T&O Imidacloprid Insecticide (Merit 2F), Nufarm
- Marengo G Pre-Emergent Herbicide, OHP
- Marengo Selective Pre-Emergent Herbicide, Bayer
- Matrix SG Herbicide, Corteva
- MCH Douglas-fir and Spruce Beetle Repellent, Synergy Shield
- Mecomec 4 Turf Herbicide, PBI Gordon
- Merit 0.5 G Imidacloprid Granular Insecticide, Bayer
- Merit 2F Imidacloprid Insecticide, Bayer
- Merit 75WSP Imidacloprid Insecticide, Bayer
- Method 240SL Herbicide, Bayer
- Milestone Specialty Herbicide, Corteva
- Minx Broad-Spectrum Miticide Insecticide, Nufarm
- Mountain Pine Beetle MPB Prevention Kit #3
- M-Pede Fungicide Miticide Insecticide, OMRI Listed, Gowan
- Mystic HC, Spray Pattern Indicator (Blue), WinField
- Mystic Lake Black Liquid Dye, WinField
- Mystic Lake Blue Liquid Dye, WinField
- Nautique Aquatic Herbicide, SePRO
- Navigate Granular Aquatic Herbicide
- Oasis Aquatic Herbicide, SePRO
- Oberon 2 SC Insecticide Miticide, Bayer
- Opensight Specialty Herbicide, Corteva
- Ornamec 170 Grass Herbicide, PBI Gordon
- Oust Extra Herbicide, Envu
- Oust XP Herbicide, Envu
- Outrider Herbicide, Monsanto
- Pastora Herbicide, Bayer
- PasturAll HL Specialty Herbicide, Corteva
- PastureGard HL Herbicide, Corteva
- Pathfinder II RTU Specialty Herbicide, Corteva
- Pathway Herbicide, Corteva
- PBS150 Polyfunctional Branched Surfactant
- Pendulum Aquacap Pre-Emergent Herbicide, BASF
- Pentra-Bark, Bark Penetrating Surfactant, Quest
- Perspective Herbicide, Bayer
- Plateau Herbicide, BASF
- Podium Plant Growth Regulator, PGR, Generic Primo MAXX
- Polaris AC Herbicide, Nufarm
- Polaris Herbicide, Nufarm
- PowerZone Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf, PBI Gordon
- Pramitol 25E Herbicide, Alligare
- Pramitol 5PS Pelleted Herbicide, Alligare
- Pre-San Granular 12.5G Herbicide
- Primo MAXX Plant Growth Regulator PGR, Syngenta
- PureSpray 10E Horticultural Oil, Petro-Canada
- PyGanic EC 1.4 II Insecticide, OMRI Listed, MGK
- PyGanic EC 5.0 II Insecticide, OMRI Listed, MGK
- Pylex Herbicide, BASF
- Pylon Miticide Insecticide, BASF
- Pylon TR Total Release Insecticide